
These pictures are the first step of creating my clowns. I created four clowns for each type clown. After my designs were finished, I could then pick the colors scehmes for each clown. One difference that I can see is between my auguste and hobo clowns. The skin color turned out to be very different. I like the shade of of my hobo colowns better. I need to remeber to not put so much red in when mixing the skin tone color. 

Overall, I wish I would have spent more time creating my own designs. This was the first time creating something like this and I feel like I rushed through it. 

I chose the best design that I had to create for each type of clown. The next step was to draw a scale on the practice clown and position the features of the clown accordingly to the scale. 

After I finished dawing in the features, I started to pain the areas the correct colors. 
This is my finished design for my White Faced clown. I wasnt sure at first if  I liked this design. 
This my finished design for my Hobo clown. The skin is too orange so I know when I apply it to my face it needs to completement my skin better.  

This is my finished design for my Auguste clown. I did not like the skin tone of this clown, it was too orange and this is something that I noted for if I would create this design.

Next, was the line evaluation process, and line elevation with color. 

I really didn't like all of my designs but my white face and hobo was better than mu auguste. 


I enjoyed the outcome more than I thought I would! :) 

I created Hailey's auguste design on her face. 

FINISHED DESIGN!  One thing I need to work on is getting my outlines more precise and not so messy. I did not like the skin tone that I created. It is too orange, I could have added in less red and more white. 

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